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Paediatric Dentistry in Highfields, Toowoomba

As a family dental practice, we also provide paediatric dentistry services to children of all ages. Oftentimes, families prefer to schedule their checkups together, reducing back-and-forth visits on different days. Because we’re a child-friendly dental office, it’s more convenient for everyone to receive quality care from the same team of providers.

Cute boy smiling

Your Child’s First Visit

We recommend booking your child’s first checkup by the time they’re about 2 years old. If there are any problems such as injuries, we can also see them before that.

To reduce dental anxiety, we prefer following your child’s lead and taking things at a slow pace. We begin with having them accompany their parents to their checkup, then having them sit in the chair or their parent’s lap. We may just talk a bit, high-five them or even peek inside their mouth to screen for large cavities. The main goal is to make the transition into the dental office as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

As your child becomes more familiar sitting in the chair or allowing us to look into their mouth, we can progress with brushing their teeth, applying fluoride or even performing a clean. Within a few visits, they’ll usually be sitting just fine for a check and clean or even a couple of X-rays.

Access the Child Dental Benefit Scheme

Get Your Child Checked Today

Child Dental Benefits Schedule plans are gladly accepted. Contact us today to reserve your child’s first checkup!

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Paediatric Dentistry Highfields, Toowoomba, Gowrie Junction, Meringandan, Hampton, Kleinton QLD | (07) 4615 5971